Instagram Captions and Quotes

We have found that it can be hard to find the right words to match a photo. Words can make the photo more powerful. Here are some ideas to help you with your next post.

Travel Couple

Where you are is where I want to be

Quite the view and the best part is I get to share it with you 

Happiness is planning a trip to somewhere new, with someone you love

Let’s find some beautiful places to get lost together

Love is an adventure with new experiences and places 

Hold my hand and I will go anywhere with you 

It doesn’t matter where you are going, it’s who you have beside you that matters most

Love traveling, exploring, living and creating memories with you

A picture is worth a thousand words but the memories made together are priceless

‘So much of who we are is where we have been.’ William Langewiesche

‘We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.’ Katie Thurmes

‘Love is the food of life. Travel is dessert.’ Amanda Jane Sturges

‘In life, it’s not where you go, it’s who you travel with.’ Charles Schulz

‘Good company on a journey makes the way seem shorter.’ Izaak Walton



Home is wherever I‘m with you

Together is our favourite place to be

It's amazing how one day someone walks into your life, and suddenly, you can't remember how you lived without them

Me and my partner in crime

Time stands still when I’m with you

Because of you, I laugh a little harder and smile a lot more

Everything with you is twice the fun and half the trouble

One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug someone you love, and they hug you back even tighter

So many of my smiles begin with you

Your smile makes me smile

Holding hands is a promise to one another that just for a moment the two of us don’t have to face the world alone

Love is always patient and kind

Your voice is my favorite sound

You're my happy place

All you need is love

Love is in the air

It’s not what we have in life that’s important, but who we have in life that matters 

It all begins with a smile

Two Heads, One Heart

Two Souls, One Heart

Love is not what you say. Love is what you do

True Love Never Fades

True love is forever

‘Some hearts understand each other, even in silence.’ Yasmin Mogahed

‘Anywhere with you is better than anywhere without you.’ Shakti Pani

‘The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.’ Audrey Hepburn

‘Smile is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart.’ Anthony J D’Angelo

‘Things must be felt with the heart.’ Helen Keller

‘Now join your hands and with your hands your heart.’ Shakespeare

‘Love is metaphysical gravity.’ R. Buckminster Fuller

love caption


It’s hard not to stop and appreciate the beauty of nature 

Travel is a book and every new destination a new chapter 

Collect moments not things 

Wanderlust. A desire to travel, to understand one’s very existence

You don’t need to see the whole path, just what’s right in front of you

Never stop exploring

Always take the scenic route 

‘Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.’ Erol Ozan

Enjoy the little moments

‘Don’t go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson 

‘Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photos, kill nothing but time.’ John Muir

‘Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.’ Theodor Seuss Geisel

‘It's not the destination, it‘s the journey.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson

‘Traveling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.’ Ibn Battuta

‘Happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.’ Roy Goodman

‘Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind and fills your life with stories to tell.’ Paula Bendfeldt

‘Live for the moments you can’t put into words.’ Kid Rock



Happiness is the sunrise, the sea and you

Meet me where the sun kisses the sea

Smell the sea. Feel the breeze. Hear the ocean. Be at ease

The tans will fade but the memories will last forever

‘Take only memories, leave only footprints.’ Chief Seattle

‘Individually we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.’ Ryunosuke Satoro

‘Love is like water. We can fall in it. We can drown in it. And we can’t live without it.’ Mk Manju

Gibson Steps


The best view comes after the hardest climb 

Take me back to the Mountains 

‘In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.’ John Muir



Every sunrise is a new page of the book of life, don’t let it stay blank

I love you to the sunset and back

Sunsets are prettier whenever I’m with you 

Follow the sun

Enjoying the last few rays of sunlight

Those summer nights

Sunset lovers

‘Keep your face to the sun and you’ll never see shadows.’ Helen Keller

Cappadocia Sunrise


Frozen fingers and Eskimo kisses

Snow much fun 

Walking in a Winter Wonderland 

Love keeps us warm 

Paradise doesn’t have to be tropical

When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels, guess what we prefer

Be like snow, beautiful but cold

Let it snow

‘The snow is sparkling like a million little suns.’ Lama Willa

Snow caption


Wine flies when you‘re having fun

Home is where the wine is, so I’m definitely home here

Vineyard caption


If you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go?

You opened the door to my heart

Adventure is just outside the door

‘In the universe, there are things that are known and things that are unknown, and in between, there are doors.’ Jim Morrison

Door caption


Love is a four legged word

Puppy love

The road to my heart is filled with paw prints

Tongue‘s in the air like you just don’t care

Sun‘s out tongue’s out

Happiness is when a dog runs to greet you

Sometimes you just need to paws and reflect

Thick coat made for snow playin‘ and warm huggin‘

Eyes with the power to speak

It‘s hard to avoid the puparazzi when you‘re this cute

‘Dog’s are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.’ Roger Caras

‘Dogs are our link to paradise.’ Milan Kundera

‘I’ve seen a look in dogs’ eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts.’ John Steinbeck

‘The dog lives for the day, the hour, even the moment.’ Robert Falcon Scott

bruno caption


Just married!

Ready to start the adventure called ‘marriage’

Here‘s to love and laughter and a happily ever after

To have and to hold

Turning the next page of our Love Story

Walk on the bride side

wedding caption

What Time Should You Take Photos?